If Intellipunch memory becomes too full, it can prevent some employees from being able to log in to the clock and punch. If this occurs, clearing the Timerack app data from the device storage can resolve the issue.

This article explains how to delete app data from Intellipunch.

1) On the app home/login screen, triple-tap on the Timerack logo next to the connectivity icons to access the Admin (Configuration) Menu.

2) Tap Exit App

3) On the device home screen, press and hold the Timerack app icon until App Info displays. 

PLEASE NOTE: You may need to swipe right or left on the home screen to locate the Timerack app icon.

4) Tap App Info.

5) Scroll down to the Storage and cache option and then tap to select it.

6) Tap Clear Storage.

7) A message will display confirming that you want to delete the app's data. 

Tap OK to confirm.

8) Now that storage space has been cleared, the Timerack app can be restarted. Tap the Timerack app icon to return to the App Info screen.

9) Tap Open to start the app.

10) Follow the prompts and complete the activation process. When syncing and activation are complete, the employee login/home screen will display.